PORT BARTON: travel guide & budget plan itinerary

Here’s our latest diy budget plan travel guide blog about Port Barton in SAN VICENTE, PALAWAN! In this travel guide, you’ll discover sample PORT BARTON itineraries, breakdown of expenses, as well as suggestions on hotels as well as tours. Please note that this covers only Barangay Port Barton. For San Vicente’s poblacion as well as long beach area, checked out this instead: San Vicente travel Guide.

We landed in part Barton that late afternoon as well as discovered the resort we booked on the far end of the stretch. On the method there, we crossed a wooden bridge straddling a creek that seemed to fade even before it might touch the sea. Fronting the resort was a extremely unequal terrain with a singular boat in the middle, far from the water. “Weird,” I mumbled to myself, having a hard time to see why people are raving about this place. “Maybe the sun is to blame.” It was hiding like a thief behind a thick curtain of clouds, stealing the fun from the air, the vibrance from the sea, the sheen from the shore, as well as the energy from my soul. since of the dreary environment as well as my even drearier attitude, I spent the rest of the day in my room. I had been traveling across Palawan for days now as well as the exhaustion had begun creeping in.

The next morning, as soon as I emerged from my room, I was greeted by a gorgeous view. The tides had reclaimed much of the beachfront. The unequal shore that I saw the day before was unrecognizable. Its valleys were flooded, as well as its crest now a long, white sandbar. The boat that I previously believed was recklessly abandoned was now flirting with the gentle waves. The sun had returned, surrendering the light as well as the vibrance to what I was seeing now as a truly idyllic beach paradise.

Hello there, Port Barton. It’s nice to lastly satisfy you.

Mi vonatkozik ebben az útmutatóban?

Port Barton: important travel Information
Best Time to go to Port Barton
How to get to Port BartonSan Vicente flight terminal to Port Barton
San Vicente town appropriate to Port Barton
Puerto Princesa to Port BartonBy Bus
By Van

El Nido to Port Barton

Where to stay in Port Barton
Things to perform in Port BartonIsland Hopping Tours
Camping at Inaladelan Island (German Island)
Pamuayan Falls (Papawyan Falls)
Other Attractions

Sample Port Barton Itinerary
Port Barton tips for the bad Traveler
További tippek a YouTube -on

Port Barton: important travel Information

Port Barton is just a little village along the western coastline of northern Palawan. contrary to prominent belief, it is NOT a town. It is just one of the barangays of the municipality of San Vicente. The confusion most likely stems from the truth that when locals state “San Vicente,” they usually refer to the town appropriate (near long Beach). since Port Barton is 3 hours away from the poblacion (town proper) by land, it is always mistaken as a separate municipality.

Port Barton spans not only a jagged shoreline punctuated with pockets of little beaches however likewise a lots islands dotting the Port Barton Bay including Albaguen Island, Cagnipa Island, Cagsalan Island, as well as Inoladoan Island (Inaladelan Island, German Island).

It’s a small, peaceful village. It’s so tiny, you can walk from one end to one more in a matter of minutes. Unlike its more famous neighbor El Nido, it is not that prominent among tourists. There are no high-end hotels here. No elegant restaurants. No crowds. however that’s precisely why the few tourists it handles to draw in come right here in the very first place, its valuable silence. Although tourism is beginning to grow, it barely makes a beep compared to all the roars of the usual juggernauts like Boracay, El Nido or Cebu.

More information you requirement to know:

Language: Tagalog is spoken by the majority. however English is commonly comprehended as well as spoken.

Pénznem: Fülöp -szigeteki peso (PHP, ₱). A PHP100 1,92 USD, 1,56 EUR, SGD2.52 (2018. április) körül van.

Mode of payment: CASH!

Money exchange & ATM. There are no banks or ATMs in Port Barton, so make sure you’re stuffed with pesos before you arrive. exchange while you’re in Puerto Princesa or Manila.

Safety: Palawan in general has a extremely low criminal offense rate. however typical security methods should be observed. Don’t leave your possessions just anywhere as well as make sure you lock your space doors particularly if you’re leaving. There are likewise no hospitals here, only a little clinic, so please be extremely careful. The nearest major medical center is in Puerto Princesa. as well as no, there are no terrorists in Port Barton.

Villamosenergia -információk: 220 V, 60 Hz. A típusú aljzat, többnyire. electricity supply in Port Barton is limited. Power runs only between around 5pm up until midnight, unless your hotel/inn has their own generator.

Best Time to go to Port Barton

December to April. These months are the driest as well as sunniest. thanks to its place as well as isolation, mainland Palawan isn’t hit by typhoons as frequently as the other parts of the Philippines, however the rest of the year still catches a great deal of rain particularly in August as well as September.

Source: world bank climate Portal
Port Barton is not prominent among domestic tourists, who mainly flock in El Nido as well as Puerto Princesa. The majority of visitors in Port Barton (and San Vicente in general) comes from other countries, mainly Europe. Hence, peak season right here is from December to February, when foreign tourists from the north go on tropical vacation to getaway the winter cold.

How to get to Port Barton

The closest industrial flight terminal is San Vicente Airport, found near the town’s poblacion. Philippine Airlines flies from Clark to San Vicente at 7am daily. travel time is 1 hour 40 minutes.

Another flight terminal you can utilize is the Puerto Princesa worldwide Airport, which is found around 3.5 hours away. As a major tourist destination, the city is served by all major regional airlines. however the cheapest flights are operated by AirAsia. AirAsia flies to Puerto Princesa from Manila, Cebu, Clark, as well as Davao.

Below is a quick random scan of Manila-Puerto Princesa flights on Traveloka.

San Vicente flight terminal to Port Barton

We don’t understand yet exactly how to get to Port Barton from the airport. (We’ll be updating this as soon as we can!) however looking at its location, I’m guessing you can take a tricycle or motorcycle to the town appropriate then take a boat or jeepney from there.

San Vicente town appropriate to Port Barton

The simplest method to reach Port Barton from the poblacion of San Vicente (Long Beach) is by boat. There utilized to be a boat called Magdalena that ferries passengers to the poblacion from Port Barton at 9am for only P150. However, it is no longer operational.

But you can charter a personal boat great for as much as 3 pax:

Travel time: 1 hour
Fare: P2500

You may likewise travel by land. Unfortunately, I haven’t tried it yet so I have absolutely no clue.

Puerto Princesa to Port Barton

Years ago, getting to Port Barton from Puerto Princesa can take as long as 5 hours on a mainly unequal dirt road cutting across the forest. We even experienced having to alight in the middle of the rain one time since the bus got bogged down. however that’s all in the past.

These days, the journey from the city to Port Barton is more like a treat than a torture. The road is now paved as well as wide, as well as the trip lasts only 3-4 hours, depending upon whether you’re taking the bus or the van.


This is my favored mode of transportation. The buses look old but, I dunno, I just enjoy buses more than compact vans. These buses are NOT air-conditioned, however it’s not a poor thing at all in Palawan. enjoy the fresh air as well as the scenes of Palawan countryside. I have fond memories of it since on one of my trips, I ended up being buddies with other passengers.

To take the bus, you requirement to get to San Jose terminal first. At the airport, walk to the entrance of the airport, where the tricycles are stationed. hire a driver as well as ask to be taken to San Jose Terminal. Fare is P120 per ride. Split the expense if you’re a group. Alternatively, you can take a trike+jeepney combo, which is cheaper. however since I’m guessing you have heavy bags in tow, just go directly to the San Jose Terminal.

At San Jose Terminal, board the bus bound for Port Barton. As far as I know, there is only one bus per day, arranged to leave at 9am. I’m not sure if they have added more buses.

Travel time: around 4 hours
Fare: P250

By Van

The quicker option! The van can take you to Port Barton in only 3 hours, sometimes even 2.5 hours. (I noticed throughout the years that many drivers from Puerto Princesa drive ridiculously fast. It’s nerve-racking sometimes.)

Also, there are several van trips per day, so you can travel in the morning or in the afternoon. You likewise have a option between going to San Jose terminal as well as getting chosen up at the flight terminal (or your hotel) for an extra fee.

Two van operators ply the Puerto Princesa-Port Barton route: SBE as well as Recaro.

Departure times: 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm
Contact number: 09054858597, 09093513037

Departure times: 6:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 1:30pm, 4pm
Contact number: 09194455021, 09951629155

Travel time: 3 hours
Fare: P350 from San Jose Terminal, P500 from the airport

El Nido to Port Barton

If you’re coming from El Nido, the van is the only method you can reach Port Barton directly overland. There are two trips per day, arranged to leave El Nido at 8am as well as 1pm.

Travel time: 4-5 hours
Fare: P600

Another method is to trip the van to Roxas (3 hours) as well as then hop into a jeepney to Port Barton (2 hours). however here’s the catch, there is only one jeepney trip to Port Barton each day as well asÚgy van beállítva, hogy 11 órakor hagyja el a Roxasot, ezért ügyeljen arra, hogy korán elhagyja az El Nidót.

Hol maradjanak Port Bartonban

A szállásválasztás legnagyobb koncentrációja a Port Barton elsődleges településén, az Itaytay Beach mentén (Port Barton Beach -ként is). Itt érkezik a busz, a furgon, valamint a jeepney -kirándulások, valamint ahol az éttermek szintén helyezkednek el. Bármi is van sétára itt.

A szállásválasztások itt a háztartásoktól a fogadókig és az üdülőhelyekig, azonban ezek egyike sem luxus. Csak kevés kínál légkondicionálást, amely gyakran felesleges, valamint generátorok. Mint fentebb említettük, az elektromosságot csak 17: 30 -tól 12 -ig éjfélig kínálják. A szóközök általában P500-P2000-et fizetnek éjszakánként.

Cassandra házak
Port Barton nem lesz olyan jól zsúfolt, tehát ez egy dolog, amire nem kell sokat aggódnia. A csúcsidőszakban azonban még mindig a legszebb, hogy megbizonyosodjon arról, hogy az érkezés előtt tartott -e szállást, mivel a választások is meglehetősen korlátozódnak. A probléma az, hogy ezeknek a tulajdonságoknak sokan nem szerepelnek a szokásos szállodai összehasonlító webhelyeken, ezért inkább az e -mail címeket, valamint a Facebook oldalakat is megadom.

Ezeket a tulajdonságokat kipróbáltam:

Besga besaga tengerparti nyaralók
E -mail: besagabaachresort@gmail.com, besagabaachresort@yahoo.com
Facebook: @BesagabeachResort

Cassandra házak
Mobilszám: +639167408409
Facebook: @cassandrasbeachcottages
Szobaárfolyam: P1400 éjszakánként (szoba 2 -re)

Mindkét tulajdonság a strand északi végén fekszik. Noha a Port Barton általában csendes, még nyugodtabb a falu ezen részén, amely a legtöbb létesítménytől el van távolítva.

Itt vannak más helyek, ahol maradhat:

Ferranco Tourist Inn. Ellenőrizze az árakat és a rendelkezésre állást.

El Dorado Sunset Garden Resort. Ellenőrizze az árakat és a rendelkezésre állást.

Greenview Resort. +63 916 403 7788.

Mélyhold üdülőhely. Ellenőrizze az árakat és a rendelkezésre állást.

Hashtag Tourist Inn. +63 921 358 5212.

AUSAN Beach Front Hurtes. Ellenőrizze az árakat és a rendelkezésre állást.

Le Cou de Tou Village Resort. Ellenőrizze az árakat és a rendelkezésre állást.

JBR Tourist Inn. Ellenőrizze az árakat és a rendelkezésre állást.

Hasonlóképpen kempingbe mehet! A strand egyes részein sátrakat dobhat. Vagy táborozhat az Inaladelan Island Resortban. Az Inaladelan-sziget, amelyet szintén német szigetnek hívnak, egy személyes üdülőhely, amelyet 15-20 perces hajóútra lehet elérni. Itt egy éjszakán át táborozhat. Habágyat, étkezést, kajakot, valamint oda -vissza hajóutalást biztosítanak a sátrakkal. Hasonlóképpen vannak alapvető WC -létesítményeik. Áram: P2500 személyenként (minimum 2 pax).

Port Bartonban fellépni

Hogy őszinte legyek, Port Bartonnak nincs annyi tevékenysége, mint a többi Palawan -rendeltetési hely, például Coron, El Nido vagy Puerto Princesa. Elsődleges vonzereje a nyugalom, olyasmi, ami lassan elcsúszott a többiektől. Ne menjen el a Port Bartonba ünnepelni, vagy ATV -t, vagy cipzárral, vagy hogy hatalmas mészkő sziklákat látjon. Menj, mivel a leg pihenő menekülést akarod. Menj, mivel el akarsz menni az összes káosztól. Menj, mivel keressz némi nyugalmat.

Ennek ellenére ez nem azt jelenti, hogy itt nincs mit tenni. Még mindig kitöltheti napját érdekes órákkal a természettel.

Sziget ugró túrák

Vins és én is a Port Bartonban
A legszembetűnőbb tevékenység itt egy hajóútra megy néhány közeli szigetre és zátonyokra. A túrákat A -tól D -ig címkézik, mindegyiknek saját megállása van. Nagyon hasonlóak minden máshoz.

Időtartam: 9-től 16-ig
Áram: P700-1350 személyenként (a zárványoktól, valamint a foglalás hol). Egyes operátorok további megállókat adnak hozzá.
Az ebédet minden túra tartalmazza

Itt vannak a szokásos megállóik túránként.

Turnéz a

Egzotikus sziget

Német sziget (Inaladelan -sziget)

Iker zátony

Fantasztikus zátony

B. túra


Német sziget (Inaladelan -sziget)

Akváriumi zátony

Széles zátony

Túra C

Egzotikus sziget

Német sziget (Inaladelan -sziget)


Fantasztikus zátony


Egzotikus sziget

Tengeri szentély

Bigaho vízesések


Ha össze akarja keverni őket, inkább személyes hajót bérelhet, amely hajónként P3000-P4000-et fizet. (Vagy beszélhet a hajó kapitányával.)

Vegye figyelembe, hogy az Inaladelan -sziget (német sziget), amely személyes üdülőhely, személyenként extra P100 bejáratát gyűjt. Az Inaladelan -szigetről szólva…

Kemping az Inaladelan -szigeten (német sziget)

Ez az én preferált strandom az egész Port Barton területén. A helyiek telefonnak hívják a német szigetet, mivel azt egy német srác használja, a hajósunk szerint. Most azonban az új tulajdonosok személyes üdülőhelygé alakították át, és régi nevére, Inala -ra váltak


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