CANADA VISA: demands & on the internet Application for Filipinos

Here’s exactly how we got our Canadian Visa! A step-by-step on the internet application guide with total listing of requirements, biometrics procedure, as well as other visa ideas for tourists.

Applying for a Canadian visa is really quite basic as well as easy. however when I began my application, I discovered the whole process a bit daunting. The disconnect, I believe, comes from the visa application website. What is meant to be an simple procedure becomes overwhelming as well as a bit arduous since the design of the web site as well as the individual journey are challenging as well as somewhat confusing. I have been living as well as breathing digital for the past 10 years of my life, yet I still ended up lost as well as confused a few times along the way.

When I used for a Canadian visa, I documented every step of the process in buy to assist guide the visitors of this blog. When you break it down to the demands as well as fundamental steps, it truly is quite straightforward. Filipinos can apply for a Canadian Visa in three ways: online, by mail, as well as in person. This guide focuses on on the internet application, however you may still have to see the Canada Visa Application center to submit your biometrics.

Mi van az útmutatóban?

2. Accomplished household info Form
3. Valid Passport
4. digital photo
5. proof of function of Travel
6. travel History
7. proof of indicates of monetary Support
8. service Registration Documents
9. Letter of explanation
10. Visa charge as well as Biometrics Fee
Important Reminders

HOW TO apply FOR A CANADA VISA ONLINE1. produce a GCKey (CIC Account).
2. publish your documents.
3. Pay the Visa as well as Biometrics Fee.
4. submit your biometrics.
5. wait on updates.
6. submit your passport.If in person
If by mail

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CANADIAN VISA often ASKED QUESTIONSHow long does the whole Canada Visa process take?
How early must I apply for a Canadian visa?
How long is the validity of Canada visa?
I keep on getting “Please wait” when I open the form. Mit tehetek?
How do I add my signature to the form? Do I requirement to print out the form?
Can I utilize just 1 GCKey for my household members who are traveling with me?
What is UCI number? What do I compose in the UCI field on the application form?
What is type IMM 5257 routine 1? Do I have to submit it?
What’s the difference between household info type IMM5645E as well as IMM5707? Which must I submit?
I got a message asking me to submit my passport. Does that indicate my application is approved?
How much money must I have in the bank to get approved?
What does a Canada Visa look like?
Do I truly requirement airplane tickets before applying? What if I get denied? Sayang the moolah.
What are the reasons why my application would be denied?
My monthly income is this much, my money in the bank is this much, as well as I will be submitting these documents. What are my possibilities of visa approval?

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1. Accomplished IMM5257 Form

This is the Application for visitor Visa Form

You can download it from here: type IMM5257.

Fill it out digitally. You don’t requirement to print it out or indication it.

View the type utilizing Adobe Acrobat. When you view the develops online, often the data won’t tons at all, showing a “Please wait” message instead, particularly if you’re utilizing Chrome or Firefox. (Yep, it’s finest accessed utilizing IE.) download it anyway. When you open it utilizing a PDF visitor such as Adobe Acrobat visitor DC or Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional, you’ll see that the type is really there. fill it out utilizing Acrobat.

Leave the signature field blank. I struggled so difficult discovering a method to be able to type on the signature field, however it turned out that I didn’t have to. You will be supplying your electronic signature later in the process (when you’re submitting the form).

2. Accomplished household info Form

Sometimes, it’s the IMM5645E Form. Sometimes, it’s the IMM5707 Form. Both are household info Forms. To be safe, submit the type that is suggested in your paper Checklist. In my case, I was requested the IMM5645E form.

You can download it from here: IMM5654E.

Fill it out electronically. exact same with the Application Form, if the page doesn’t load, utilize Acrobat Reader. as well as don’t indication it. You will be requested a digital signature later in the application process.

3. Valid Passport

Scanned copy of the bio page as well as all pages with visas as well as stamps.

Your passport need to have at least 6 months validity as well as signature. If you’re utilizing a new 10-year e-passport, you can discover the signature field on page 3, the page next to the info Page. If you’re utilizing a 5-year e-passport, the bio page already has a digital signatureso NO requirement to indication it again.

4. Digitális fotó

Passport-size (35mm x 45mm).

Fehér háttér.

Specs here: Canada Visa Photo

The web site suggested “scanned” when I applied, however I uploaded a soft copy of the picture instead.

5. Az utazás funkciójának igazolása

Submit proof that you are pertaining to Canada for a momentary visit. You can submit any type of or all of the following:

flight ticket departing Canada (return or onward ticket)

your travel itinerary


You don’t requirement to submit actual tickets. You can submit flight or hotel reservations, which you can cancel in situation your application is rejected (so you don’t have to squander money). A few airlines enable flight blocking (although I haven’t tried any type of of them) as well as some hotel booking web sites have free-cancellation policy. travel companies can likewise problem these booking documents.

You can discover one here: flight & hotel RESERVATIONS

IF YOU’RE INVITED BY A resident IN CANADA, you will likewise requirement to supply the following:


a copy of their resident card

payslips or tax docs

6. Utazási történelem

Scanned. This can be any type of or all of the following:

previous passports utilized within the last 10 years

expired as well as valid visas

entrance as well as exit stamps

If you’re living outside your country of citizenship, submit a copy of your immigration condition document.

7. A monetáris támogatás jelzéseinek igazolása

Scanned copies of any type of or all of the following:

Bank statement for the past 4 months

a Certificate of Employment

Income tax Returns (ITR)

proof of assets (land titles, etc.).

If you’re a student: you need to likewise submit proof of repayment of tuition as well as lodging fees.

If somebody else is funding your trip: likewise submit a letter from the person or organization supplying you with money.

8. Szolgáltatási regisztrációs dokumentumok

Only if you’re self-employed or if you’re traveling for business.

You can submit SEC, DTI, or BIR registration documents, as long as it indicates the registered name of the business, the service address, as well as type of ownership.

9. A magyarázat levél

This is optional. It’s not truly a requirement, however if you desire to supply a lot more information about the trip, you can submit a letter of explanation.

I composed a letter describing why I want to see Canada as well as the details of my trip. It’s short as well as directly to the point.

10. VISA-díj, valamint biometrikus díj

Visa Fee: CAD 100. MasterCard, Visa, as well as American reveal cards are accepted.

Biometrics Fee: CAD 85. MasterCard, Visa, as well as American reveal cards are accepted.

Fontos emlékeztetők

Here are a few notes that will make your application easier:

ANY or ALL. You’ll notice that in the listing of demands above, I keep on utilizing the phrase “any or all of these documents.” It’s since in theory, you can submit just one product per paper type. However, if you want much better possibilities of approval, we strongly suggest submitting whatever that you can provide.

Only the complying with data types are accepted: PDF (Portable Document), JPG, TIFF, or PNG (Image), DOC or DOCX (Microsoft Word Document).

Only one data will be enabled per requirement.
– For example, for proof of indicates of monetary support, if you want to submit a Certificate of Employment, ITR copy, as well as proof of assets, make sure they’re in one file. If all your data are in PDF format, you can utilize apps like Adobe Acrobat to merge all the pages. If they’re picture files, you can likewise insert all of them in a Word paper to produce a single file.
– one more example, travel history. If you are want to submit several pages of your passport to show the different visas as well as stamps, you need to scan as well as save all pages as only one file.

The size of each data need to NOT surpass 4MB. That’s the maximum size. If your data exceeds, you requirement to minimize the size. understand that PDF data tend to be smaller in size than Word (doc) files. If your PDF data are still over, recreate your data with Adobe Distiller as well as set to “lowest data size.” set it to only 96 DPI (dots per inch).

Make sure your papers are complete. You won’t be able to submit your application if any type of of the needed data is missing.


1. produce a GCKey (CIC Account).

What is a GCKey? It’s an account that would let you securely gain access to the on the internet services of the government of Canada, including the CIC, which means Citoyenneté et immigration Canada (Immigration, Refugees, as well as Citizenship Canada), the government company that will be managing your application. You will be asked to produce a username, password, as well as safety questions.

Here’s exactly how to produce a GCKey/CIC account:

Visit the registration page of the CIC here: CIC Register. click on GCKey at the botTom a képernyőn.

A következő oldalon kattintson a kijelzés (a képernyő ideális oldalán).

Elfogadja a feltételeket, valamint a következő oldalak feltételeit.

Hozzon létre egy fiókot. Adja meg a teljes nevét, e-mail címét, előnyben részesített felhasználónevét, jelszavát, valamint a biztonsági problémákat, valamint a válaszokat. Vegye figyelembe ezeket a részleteket, mivel a folyamat során beírja ezeket a biteket.

A következő oldalon kattintson a “Látogatói vízum, kutatási tanulmány és / vagy munkaengedély” gombra. Ha bejelentkezett, újra be kell jelentkeznie. Ezután a számlák irányítópultjára irányul, ahol megjelenik az alkalmazások listája. Figyelembe véve, hogy fiókja új, a lista üres. Az alsó rész felé az “Indítsa el az alkalmazást” részt. Kattintson a “Alkalmazás, hogy megtalálja Kanadát.”

A következő oldalon megkérdezi, hogy van-e személyes ajánlási kódja. A “Nem rendelkezem személyes ajánlási kóddal,” Kattintson a “Látogatói vízum, a kutatási tanulmány és / vagy a munkaengedély”.

Tudja meg, hogy jogosult-e. Megkérdezed egy sor aggályokat az utazásodról, valamint a háttéredről: Pontosan mennyi ideig tart az utazás, milyen tartományban leszel, letartóztatták vagy elítélték bármilyen típusú bűncselekmény miatt, korábban elhagyták a vízumotCsak válaszoljon. Hasonlóképpen megkérdezheted, hogy van-e háztartás tagja, aki kanadai lakos vagy hosszú távú állampolgár. Ha bármi rendben van, akkor a következő oldal megmondja, hogy jogosult a látogató vízumra. Kattintson a Folytatás gombra. A következő oldalon kattintson a Folytatás gombra.

2. A dokumentumok közzététele.

Felkérik az értékelést az előző lépésben bekövetkezett információk értékeléséről. Ellenőrizze, hogy a dolgok olyanok legyenek, mint amilyennek kell lennie, és kattintson a Folytatás gombra.

Ön egy személyes papírellenőrző lista, amely a feltölteni kívánt összes szükséges dokumentumot képezi. Ez így jelenik meg:

A feltöltéshez kattintson a megfelelő közzétételi gombra az ideális oldalon.

Nem kellene egyszerre közzétenni a papírokat. Ha úgy érzed, hogy nem tudsz teljesíteni ma, akkor csak kijelentkezhet, mint a naplózás még egy nap alatt. 30 napja van a követelményeknek.

Ismét emlékeztetők:

Csak az adattípusok betartása elfogadható: PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, DOC, DOCX

Követelményenként csak egy adatot fognak engedélyezni. If you are want to submit several pages of your passport to show the different visas as well as stamps, you need to scan as well as save all pages as only one file.

Az egyes adatok méretének nem kell meghaladnia a 4 MB-ot.

Győződjön meg róla, hogy a papírok teljesek. Nem tudod látni a Küldés vagy folytatás gombot, ha hiányzik a szükséges adatok bármely típusa.

Miután befejezte az igényeket, valamint a kérelmet benyújtotta, az elektronikus aláírásra kéri. Nem szükséges az aláírás vagy bármitás beolvasására. Csak a teljes nevedbe kell mennie. Ez az elektronikus aláírása. Csak írja be a nevét.

3. Fizesse a vízumot, valamint a biometrikus díjat.

Visa, MasterCard, valamint az amerikai felfedezés elfogadott. Ismét itt vannak a díjak:

Vízumdíj. CAD 100. Mastercard, Visa, valamint az amerikai felfedési kártyák elfogadásra kerülnek.

Biometrikus díj. CAD 85. MasterCard, Visa, valamint az amerikai felfedési kártyák elfogadásra kerülnek.

Csak menjen be a kártya adatait, valamint kattintson a Folyamat tranzakcióra. Lehet, hogy eltarthat egy ideig, hogy legyen türelmes. Ne kattintson erre a gombra, mivel még egyszer fel van töltve.

Néhány óra múlva megkapja az alkalmazásszámát tartalmazó e-mailt. A Letter V-vel, valamint egy sor számmal kezdődik.

Hasonlóképpen kapsz irányokat a biometria elküldéséhez.

4. Küldje el biometrikusodat.

Hatályos 2018. december 31-én, Ázsiában, Ázsia-csendes-óceáni vízumpályázók, valamint az Amerikák számára, valamint az Amerikáknak a biometrikusok benyújtásához szükségesek. Ez egy új követelmény. Amikor alkalmaztam, ezt még nem hajtották végre.

But thanks to the members of our Facebook support group who just recently applied, we have the details as well as we’re sharing them with you.

Note that if you have submitted your biometrics before as well as they are still valid, you don’t requirement to submit biometrics. however if you got a Biometric direction Letter (BIL), then you have to see the Visa Application Centre normally within the next 30 days so they might gather your biometric data. A levél már rendelkezik, de itt van.

Állítsa be a biometria benyújtásának látogatását. Sokkal több információ ezen az oldalon.

Nézd meg az e-mailedet. when you have secured a schedule, you will get an visit Letter indicating the date as well as time of your appointment, as well as the address of the Canada Visa Application Center. Ugyanígy fogja mondani, ha nem


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